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Old June 19th, 2011, 01:08 AM   #4
RhinoJC member
Name: Jeremy
Location: Hawaii
Join Date: Feb 2010

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Posts: 108
I haven't seen what you're referring too, but I don't really spend a whole lot of time here. However, I do understand the point you're trying to make, I just don't necessarily agree with it.

I don't think riders waving to each other really has anything to do with being nice to others, it's simply a matter of people showing appreciation for others who share a common interest. It's the same reason you find truckers congregating together, it's a mutual respect for a commonality.

As far as people taking offense to something posted by another, that has just as much to do with the poster as it has to do with the reader. I'm what some people refer to as a realist. I see things for what they are and I call it like I see it. I don't feel the need to sugar-coat things or coddle others. If people take offense to what I write, that is neither my fault nor my problem. People have the option to completely ignore what I have to say, yet some may chose to be offended by it, while others chose to view it for exactly what it is, my opinion. While I will agree that a little tact may be called for depending on the situation, I think the vast majority of problems would never arise if people would simply grow a thicker skin.

Granted, there's a section of people who do nothing more than try to get under peoples skin. But at the same time, there's a section who take offense and feel attacked if anybody offers a differing opinion. The point is that you aren't going to change human nature and people can only get to you if you let them. Simply put, that's life, get used to it.

Now keep in mind that "you" is being used as a generalization, my post isn't being directed at anyone. Given that, there will be those who will still take offense to what I have said.
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