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Old June 29th, 2011, 06:05 AM   #38
Liber sage
Name: Chris
Location: Arkansas
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): EX250J

Posts: 511
This is always a point of contention between my family and I. I'm VERY critical of myself and that tends to carry over in how I treat others. When someone feels like their opinion is important enough to be shared, then their opinion should be challenged and confronted, regardless of whether you agree with them or not. Tip-Toeing around confrontation is akin to dishonesty.

I argue with my friends all the time and we all have an incredible amount of respect for each other because we know we are being completely honest.

I've had it out with people on this BBS and many other forums, and while I'm not going to change their mind, I'm not going to let them express their views without challenging them. When we quit challenging each other and those who have power, then we might as well be slaves.
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