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Old June 29th, 2011, 08:21 AM   #40
Liber sage
Name: Chris
Location: Arkansas
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): EX250J

Posts: 511
not saying you are accusing me, but I don't think I've shown anyone on this forum any disrespect, with one exception and they seem to have taken the advice from myself and others to heart.

This forum seems to be exploding in popularity as of late, so we're only going to see more rage outs by people that can's take any criticism. It's part of what a forum is.

Honestly, I like the threads about various states and peoples opinions of them. It's good to have some competition between states. If I don't like your state I will say why(and I've been to most). For instance, I like that Cali has lane sharing and has beautiful weather, but I don't like the fact that they require a helmet to be worn and the cost of living in most places is ridiculous. Plus, their college football sucks, USC can burn and SEC ftw

But that's California, so as long as its laws don't affect me I'm cool with it and I can always be a proponent of the things I like to maybe affect some kind of alteration in my own state.
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