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Old September 28th, 2011, 11:14 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by massacremasses View Post
I hate when people say "no offense" then say something that is offensive.

Hey no offense, but stfu...

but hey the OP said his son was fine, he knows hes fine and now he can vent about being bummed about his new bike being wrecked... WTF IS WRONG WITH THAT?! I seriously read this and was angry at everyone flaming the poor guy. He's bummed his bike was wrecked by his son. He doesnt hate his son, he didnt even seem mad. He seemed bummed his 17 year old wrecked it... because THAT IS A BUMMER.

glad your son is ok. Sorry about your bike. That sucks. My sons got a few years before he can start riding motorcycles. Hes 3
Well said Justin. Some of you need to get off the high horse and not jump the gun. You act as if his kid died and he's crying over his bike. His kid's alive, not paralyzed, and will be riding again. OP didn't cause the accident and in no way contributed to it. Yeah, maybe his son should take the MSF, but if he's already got his M1, he's at least skilled enough to pass the DMV test, which is more difficult than the MSF skills test (at least in CA).

Ken, next time, you should include some more detail in the first post so people don't jump to conclusions I'm glad your son is ok and ready to ride again, mentally. I see a lot of father/son bonds strengthened by riding together. Good luck and as long as you had collision insurance, the insurance company should be helping you out.
The guy
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